Biocommunication of Phages
Phages represent the most diverse inhabitants on this planet.
Until today they are completely underestimated in their number,
skills and competences and still remain the dark matter of biology

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Genetic Novelty/Genomic
Variations by RNA Networks
and Viruses

Genome Invading RNA Networks
(Frontiers in Microbiology/Virology)

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Memory and Learning in Plants
How plants mediate signaling processes between themselves and the
environment in memory and learning processes

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Biocommunication of Archea
This book will orientate further investigations on how
archaeal ecosphere inhabitants communicate with each other

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Biocommunication of Ciliates
…serves as a learning tool for research aspects
in biocommunication in ciliates. It will guide
scientists in further investigations on ciliate behavior,
how they mediate signaling processes between
themselves and the environment.

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Biocommunication of Animals
„… chimpanzees, elephants, cetaceans, wolves, rats, song birds,reptiles,
insects, octopus, corals, nematodes and many other species:
all coordinate their interactions with signs.“

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Viruses - Essential Agents of Life
A renaissance of virus research is taking centre stage in biology.
Empirical data from the last decade indicate the important roles
of viruses, both in the evolution of all life and as
symbionts or co-evolutionary partners of host organisms.
There is increasing evidence that all cellular life is colonized
by exogenous and/or endogenous viruses in a non-lytic but
persistent lifestyle. Viruses and viral parts form the most
numerous genetic matter on this planet.

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Natural Genetic Engineering and Natural Genome Editing
"assembles experts from different fields to discuss a new
understanding of code- generating and genome-formatting
factors based on the knowledge of key features of
natural genetic engineering and on the evolutionary role
of viruses." (James Shapiro)

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Biocommunication and Natural Genome Editing
"Guenther Witzany, an expert in biocommunication, uses
linguistics and communication science to provide a novel
framework for the discussion of naturally occurring genome
editing". (Peter Gogarten)

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Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms
"The chapters are written by leading experts in the field and
provide a thorough treatment of our state-of-knowledge
while also stimulating ideas for future investigation. It will be
an essential reference for all of those with interest in microbial
communication." (Mark Radosevich)

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Biokommunikation und natürliche Bearbeitung
genetischer Texte

"Günther Witzany zeigt auf, dass die kommunikative
Kompetenz sämtlicher Organismen zu den ureigensten
Eigenschaften der belebten Natur gehört, worin sie sich
klar von der unbelebten Natur unterscheidet."
(Frantisek Baluska)

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Biocommunication of Plants
"Plants assess their surroundings, estimate
how much energy they need for particular goals,
and then realise the optimum variant. They take
measures to control certain environmental resources.
They perceive themselves and can distinguish
between ‘self ’ and ‘non-self ’."

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Biocommunication of Fungi
"This book will orientate further investigations
on how fungal ecosphere inhabitants communicate
with each other to coordinate their behavioral
patterns and whats the role of viruses in this highly
dynamic interactional networks. Additionally this book
will serve as an appropriate tool to transport an
integrated depiction of this fascinating kingdom."

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DNA Habitats and Their RNA Inhabitants
The Proceedings of this outstanding symposium.
Documents a fundamental new understanding of
genetic novelty, code-generating, genome-formatting
factors, multi-use nature for RNAgents and behavioral
motifs of RNA-consortia

         last Edit: 2020/3/25 9:35            
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