Curriculum Vitae
Günther Witzany (b. 1953 in Salzburg, Austria) studied philosophy, political science, ethics in religion, is Dr. (Phil), Mag. (Phil Fac.Theol), founded the First Philosophical Practice in Austria (1985).
Philosophical Practice applies philosophical questions and investigations to the fields of theoretical (science), practical (ethics, politics, economy) and aestetical (arts) reason.

Between 1987 and 1992 author and editor of a journal (arche nova) and of several books on natural philosophy, music therapy, renewable energy, critics on technocracy, european community (

Between 1987 und 1990 he developed a new philosophy of biology (theory of communicative nature). The aim is to show that every interaction within cells, between cells, between living individuals functions by sign mediated interactions. The method is a cross-disciplinary one including philosophy (philosophy of nature, philosophy of language and communication, philosophy of science), biology (microbiology, molecular biology, (epi)genetics, evolution theory, social biology) and semiotics (transcendental semiotics, biosemiotics, endosemiotics). In contrast to similar concepts such as information theory, systems theory, biohermeneutics, biosemiotics, biolinguistics, this theory insists in the primacy of pragmatics, i.e. the relation of signs and sign-using agents within interactional contexts which determine the meaning of the used signs. There are no signs, no language and no communication without these living agents. According to this and inspired by the works of Karl von Frisch on languages and communication of the honeybees Witzany investigates three different levels of (sign-mediated) interactions: Intraorganismic communication: sign mediated interactions in cells (interactions in nucleic acid language and protein language) and between cells.
Interorganismic communication: sign mediated interactions between individuals-in-population of the same or related species. Transorganismic communication: sign mediated interactions between members of different species.
Between 2006 and 2008 he applied this concept to current knowledge about viruses, bacteria, fungi, animals (bees and corals) and plants. This represents a further development into an applied theory of biocommunication.

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