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Joachim Bauer (2019)
Wie wir werden, wer wir sind: Die Entstehung des menschlichen Selbst durch Resonanz >

Christian Felber (2020)
This is not economy: Aufruf zur Revolution der Wirtschaftswissenschaft >

Jürgen Habermas (2022)
Ein neuer Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit und die deliberative Politik >

Joachim Bauer (2023)
Realitätsverlust: Wie KI und virtuelle Welten von uns Besitz ergreifen – und die Menschlichkeit bedrohen >

         last Edit: 2025/1/12 18:12            

Memory and Learning in Plants
How plants mediate signaling processes between themselves and the environment in memory and learning processes

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Biocommunication of Archea
This book will orientate further investigations on how archaeal ecosphere inhabitants communicate with each other
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Biocommunication of Ciliates
…serves as a learning tool for research aspects in biocommunication in ciliates. It will guide scientists in further investigations on ciliate behavior, how they mediate signaling processes between themselves and the environment.

Biocommunication of Animals
„… chimpanzees, elephants, cetaceans, wolves, rats, song birds, reptiles, insects, octopus, corals, nematodes and many other species: all coordinate their interactions with signs.“
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DNA Habitats and Their RNA Inhabitants

The Proceedings of this outstanding symposium. Documents a fundamental new understanding of genetic novelty, code-generating, genome-formatting factors, multi-use nature for RNAgents and behavioral motifs of RNA-consortia

Biocommunication of Fungi
"This book will orientate further investigations on how fungal ecosphere inhabitants communicate with each other to coordinate their behavioral patterns and whats the role of viruses in this highly dynamic interactional networks. Additionally this book will serve as an appropriate tool to transport an integrated depiction of this fascinating kingdom."
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Viruses - Essential Agents of Life
Viruses: Essential Agents of Life is a great way to kick off the next 100 years of virology (American Society for Microbiology 2013)
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"Plants assess their surroundings, estimate how much energy they need for particular goals, and then realise the optimum variant. They take measures to control certain environmental resources. They perceive themselves and can distinguish between ‘self ’ and ‘non-self ’." Buy it >

This is the first uniform description of all key levels of communication in the organismic kingdoms of plants, fungi, animals and bacteria based on the most recent empirical data....
The recent literature on whole genome sequences provides abundant evidence for the action of natural genetic engineering in evolution.

A milestone edition that for the first time comprehensively presents the exciting topic of soil biocommunication. A valuable source of information for scientists in microbiology, biochemistry, genetics and soil ecology.

Guenther Witzany, an Austrian philosopher, has developed a “theory of communicative nature” that, he claims, differentiates biotic and abiotic life. “Life is distinguished from non-living matter by language and communication,”
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